Saturday, August 13, 2011

Summertime, and the living is easy...

Well it has been easy the last ten days or so. One day left of my vacation and then it's back to the real world. Thought I'd show a couple of sketches from the last few days.

To the left a pair of new obsessions. Thanks to Pete Scully's blog, I now find hydrants fascinating. 

The above was a quick, and I mean quick sketch of my childhood bike. I am taking an online class and the assignment was to paint something from your childhood that made you happy in only 2 30 minute segments of time. I did the sketch to see how long it would take to get the mechanics right (or at least bike-like). The "finished" painting is posted below. Please note that 1 hour is not long to make a painting, especially for me. I can obsess about two square inches for days. This is working outside my comfort zone. And how.

This is a bicycle that my Grandad found at a garage sale, tossed it in the back of his old brown pick-up, sanded and spray painted blue. Blue paint rubbed off on my legs for three months, and it was really too big for me for a couple of years, but it was sturdy and fast and glorious. This is love. This is seeing a kid who wanted a bike (but got glasses instead because we could only afford things we needed) and making a wish come true. Love. On two wheels.

This painting is wobbly and amateurish and I want so badly to work it over, but I'm not going to. I'm sticking to the assignment. The effect is even stronger for me. When I say Illustrated Gratitude, this is what I mean. This illustrates the gratitude I have for those wonderful people in my life who gave me the happiest of childhoods. 

Hey get outside and check out the moon tonight, it is insanely gorgeous and while you're out there see if you can still remember how to catch fireflies.

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