Friday, December 21, 2012

A few notes on being a big girl on campus

Wow, two posts in one week!! Amazing! Well, I've been meaning to describe my thoughts about going back to school for awhile now. Since September I guess. And each time I think I'm going to write about the snotty 19 year olds that curse a blue streak in class and dress like they have no self respect, I meet a young kid that blows me away with her generosity and encouragement. Every time I want to complain about unprepared and unprofessional professors one of them (or most of them) does something out of the blue that is so kind I have to go into the bathroom so no one will see me cry. Silly, I know.

The thing is, it's just not easy going to school when you are older than the professors. It's not. You have to want it more than everyone else. You have to work harder, take more notes, and never slack off, because it means more. That said, it can't be easy teaching a 43 year old either. My B.S. detector is so much more finely tuned than the kids'. I'm not easily impressed and I'm set in my ways.

Anyway... they did give me a scholarship which makes all the molding a little more bearable. I just hope when I'm through I can recognize my work as my own. Here are some progress shots of my disappointing self portrait.

I do have more thoughts, all mixed up in my brain about going back to school. And more stories, like the time I walked all the way across campus with the garage door opener stuck to my butt...Ay me! Another time.


  1. You work always is impressive. What are you taking in school? Don't let them chase the cosmos away from your head...

    1. Ok that was weird I posted a comment and it showed twice, so I deleted one and they both deleted. Hey, I'm an artist not a computer whiz. I'm sure the original comment was emailed to you Byron, so I won't rewrite it.
