Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

I've wanted to make a Christmas card for a long time. Or any card. Still do. I tried to come up with some kind of Christmasy design that wasn't too cheesy and revolting. But no luck. And then I saw a commercial with polar bears on it. (Not the Coke commercials, this was painted way back in Sept.) They were just so lovely, I wanted to make one, so I painted one in the ole' sketchbook and one on canvas paper. I did have them made into cards but the color was horrible and flat. Really disappointing but expensive so I sent them anyway. Here is my little bear. Think I may do more. He was a fun lovely afternoon.

Anyhoo, I want to wish everyone a fun holiday, full of hugs and laughter and food and family. And I hope you didn't get too tangled up in that commercial web they start setting for us in August which nearly ruins Christmas for everyone every year. I hope you remember the reason for the holiday. I hope you go to bed tonight thanking God for the many wonderful blessings in your life. I hope you tell the people you love why you love them. And I hope you have the very merriest of Christmases.

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