Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Dealing with Limitations

I've had a kind of frustrating day. I was working on a project for most of the day, a commission which I seriously underbid considering the time (I should have known) I spent on it. Also I'm using acrylic paint which I haven't really worked with since I fell in love with oils. It felt like the paint was fighting me. Days like that are not fun. Working and reworking something that just isn't looking right... I feel zapped. Disappointed with myself. I'm still not sure I'm finished with it. Low price or not, it will have my name on it. So... more time to spend I guess. 

The sketches below have nothing to do with that. They're just a few sketches from the last month or so from my red Moleskine, which comes with it's own set of limitations. I'll be glad when this book is filled and I can work on different paper.

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